SB Enterprise Help Center

Fiscal Year End Reset

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Updated 11/19/21

The Fiscal Year End Reset process will roll the balance of the revenue and expense accounts into the fund balance accounts of each fund, roll the ending balances of balance sheet account to the beginning balance of the next year, and roll the amounts of the adopted budget to the current budget for the new fiscal year. This process should be run after a new fiscal year chart of accounts has been createdGL> Utilities> Create New Fiscal Yearand the fiscal year has begun.

Verify the current and new fiscal year in the Current Active Fiscal Year and New Active Fiscal Years fields are correct.

You cannot change the values in the fields from the Fiscal Year End Reset window, but you can change the current fiscal year inSS> Utilities> System Setup> Organization tab> Fiscal Year field.

Check the Roll adopted budget to current toggle if you have an adopted budget. This will move the adopted budget to the current budget for the new fiscal year. If no budget is recorded in the system this toggle does not have to be selected.

Once you have completed this step, the system will automatically net your revenues and your expenditures and roll them into the fund balance accounts for the same fund. All your balance sheet figures will be brought forward. If you checked Roll adopted budget to current, your budget figures will show as the current budget numbers for the year.

Note:  If your agency uses GL > Maintenance > Budget Groups for biennial (multi-year) budgeting this process will work with those settings to only reset balances and budgets in the approriate fiscal year(s).

In the System Setup windowSS> Utilities> System Setup> Organization tab> Fiscal Year field, your fiscal year will show as the new fiscal year. As you enter batches, journal entries and new GL accounts, they will all default to the new fiscal year.

  • After your application has been moved to the new year, you will still be able to post journal entries and run reports for the prior year. If you do not want journal entries posted, you can lock prior year periods through the Lockout Period utility underGL> Utilities. A separate article is posted for this process.
  • The application will allow you to run this utility as many times as you want. If you feel that the process may not have completed successfully, check the fiscal-year field underSS> Utilities> System Setupto make sure the process has not already moved your year forward.
  • Be aware that you do not want to set the year back and re-run this process IF you have posted budget adjustments to the new fiscal year. If the adopted budget is moved again all budget adjustment records for the next year will not display. If no budget adjustments exist this process can be re-run as many times as desired. This includes budget adjustments created in the Roll PO process.  Current versions (7.18 and cloud) have a utility to fix the budget adjustments in the current fiscal year if they do not display.
  • Refer to the Refresh Beginning Balances document to find more information on moving net income changes to fund balance.
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