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EB Overview

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Summary of Extended Budgeting features

The Extended Budgeting module is a comprehensive tool used to generate a requested, proposed, approved or adopted budget. The Extended Budgeting process allows you to track budget revisions, add attachments such as budget documents to the budget amounts, group general ledger accounts in order to create budgets for department heads, create and document budget adjustments, and create period budgets.

Budgeted amounts can also be imported from and exported to Microsoft Excel, which allows you to manipulate the budgets in a spreadsheet and then import the budget amounts back into the Extended Budgeting process.


The budgeting process has a three level hierarchy:

  • A budget revision is a group of budget entries. This is the highest level in the hierarchy. 
  • A budget entry consists of many activities or general ledger account numbers. If you budget by department or fund, the department or fund budget would be a budget entry. This is the middle level of the hierarchy. Multiple Budget Entries are combined to create a Budget Revision. 
  • A single general ledger account is the lowest level in the hierarchy. This is where the budget dollars reside. Multiple general ledger accounts are combined to create an Entry.
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