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PO Overview

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Purchase Order Work Flow

  • Purchase Orders are created using the Purchase Orders process (PO> Purchase Orders).
  • Once a Purchase Orders batch has been committed, the POs in the batch can be:
    • Modified using the Change Orders process (PO> Change Orders) - For example, if you would like to add or remove a line item on a committed purchase order, process the PO in a Change Orders batch.
    • Rolled over into a new fiscal year using the Roll Over POs process (PO> Roll Over POs) - For example, if a purchase order is entered in fiscal year 2022, but the encumbered amount should be moved to fiscal year 2023, process the PO through the Roll Over POs process. This will move the encumbered amount from one fiscal year to another. Purchase orders can only be invoiced in the same fiscal year that the encumbered amount has been recorded in.
    • Received using the Receiving process (PO> Receiving) - For example, if there are unit quantities attached to the PO line items, you can receive the PO line items and generate a receipt. The receiving process is optional, unless the Force Receiving toggle is checked on the AP module Setup window (AP> Utilities> Setup> Invoices tab> Force Receiving toggle). If the Force Receiving toggle is checked, you can only invoice purchase orders with quantities that have been received in the PO Receiving process.
    • Invoiced using the AP module Invoices process (AP> Invoices).
    • Added to a manual check in the AP module using the Manual Checks process (AP> Manual Checks).
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