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PR Computer Checks How are the default timecards selected

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Default timecards are attached to employee records using the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Timecards tab). When the Computer Checks process is run, the Generate step will select a default timecard on the employee record based on the timecard cycle selected during the generate step and the effective date of the pay setting the timecard is attached to.

  • Timecard cycle – When a timecard line item is attached to an employee record, you can select which timecard cycles the timecard line item applies to using the Cycle 1Cycle 2 and Cycle 3, etc. fields (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Timecards tab). Only timecard line items attached to the same timecard cycle selected during the Generate step on the Computer Checks batch will be included in the Computer Checks batch.
  • Pay setting revision – Default timecards can be attached to each pay setting revision on an employee record (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Timecards tab). For example, if an employee will begin a new position on 06/01/15, you can create a new pay setting revision on the employee record and date it to begin on 06/01/15. Then you can create a new default timecard and attach it to the new pay settings revision. The new default timecard will not take effect until a Computer Checks batch with a timecard date greater or equal to 06/01/15 is processed. The timecard date of a Computer Checks batch is set up during the Generate step (PR> Computer Checks> Generate> Timecard Date field).
    • You can view the pay setting revision attached to an default timecard using the Revision drop-down menu on the Timecards tab (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Timecards tab). 
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